apr 19 2023

Had rehearsal again today. 


Didn't do much, except...we're having a rerun of TLP! They announced it during the first meeting of the Theatre Guild. I'm super excited because this time I'm playing a different role! 

I'm going to be the Lamplighter! The Lamplighter definitely has my favorite song out of all the grownups. I can't wait to be the one singing it on stage.

We also had costume fittings today. The Lamplighter costume was a bit big on me so they're gonna have it altered. 

While that was happening, we had another game of Go Fish on the floor. I'm a Go Fish prodigy so I won.

gaur fish

After rehearsal, my sister and I went to the grocery to pick up some stuff for my project.  It's this thing where we give away essentials for the maintenance people at our school. It's basically a huge thank you to them for dealing with us and for being the most patient, understanding people ever.

the hello kitty thing is for my sister

We had Taco Bell after bc I love Taco Bell.



  1. omg i love spam and taco bell i rate 20/10!!!!


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