may 21 2023

I went to Enchanted Kingdom today...

(If you didn't know, or if you aren't Filipino, EK is a theme park!)

...but it wasn't that easy. You see, when I asked my parents about it initially, they said they would think about it. Fast forward to the day before, they completely said no! Luckily, on the day of, Cy made a letter asking if I could please be allowed to go. They seemed more inclined to accept the invitation then. 

I was still in the hotel (again), but Cy was super near me since she was in her review center. She then offered to pick me up! That was basically all they needed to hear. So, we went to get breakfast downstairs and they brought us to a private room.

i want to bring this lamp home

Obviously I got my Hainanese chicken + sausage combo + Nutella pancakes for dessert.


I got ready for Cy to pick me up with my gigantic bag. She arrived but I couldn't see her car so she went outside to look for me. I was right in front of her car...

And so the journey started. Cy's parents were in the front while we had the entire back to ourselves. She controlled the music. All was well.

It was a roughly 42 minute journey, according to Google (not counting traffic). We talked a bunch and listened to Taylor Swift, because, well, obviously.

We then passed by a Panda Express! Have we ever told you how much we love Panda Express?


We arrived at 2PM. As soon as we stepped out of the car, we could just feel the heat. It was truly awful. Then we got in line to get our tickets/wristbands. We got express passes since lines suck.

We found Brie and our other friends at the gift shop and we set on going on rides. It was super fun! I think we rode most of the rides.

i love rollercoasters
this was fun too

I also met this astronaut guy.

one big step for humanity or whatever it says

It started raining so we had to head back to the gift shop to get some raincoats. They were all pink.

We rode more rides. Afterwards, Brie and I sat down on the chairs near the pretzel shop while everyone else bought more food. Then we all went to watch the fireworks. 

pretty epic fireworks

Before our last ride, we passed by this gift shop with dresses that kinda resembled me and Cy. 

We went on the last ride and I took this epic picture of this ferris wheel before Cy and I went to go back to our storage locker to pick up our things since her parents were here to pick us up.

curse you blogspot quality

Cy's parents got us Panda Express on our way back. It was SOOOO GOOD! Thank you Mr and Mrs Cy's parents. You were truly lifesavers.

chow mein + orange chicken / fried rice + orange chicken combo 

They dropped me off at the sushi restaurant my parents were waiting for me at. I ate sushi and then we went home. Today was seriously super eventful and super fun.

sushi boat


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