sept 13 2023

Yesterday was Lane's birthday, but she didn't hang out with me >:( Therefore we're hanging out today! 

You see, we're actually married. We have rings and everything! But she has a boyfriend so now I'm the third wheel. Hmph. I miss when I was the first priority.

Anyway, I went to school first since I needed to pick up some documents for (gasp) college applications. Can you believe I'm OLD ENOUGH to apply for college? It's actually unreal. By the way, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I don't have classes on Wednesdays. I am definitely not cutting class.

My driver took me to the mall after I got my stuff. Lane wasn't at the mall yet so I went shopping! I went to the bookstore and I saw this Sanji notebook. It reminded me of my friend Jessie (since she loves Sanji) so I sent her a picture.


I also stopped by this art store and I saw my dream calculator. I couldn't justify the purchase since, well, I'm a humanities student and we don't do any math. Hooray!

maybe one day...

Here's my haul if you're interested:

mecha pencil + eraser + notepad

Aren't they so pretty? I actually stayed in the art store for a while since I couldn't find a pink eraser. Eventually, an employee found one for me so now I have a pink eraser! 

Oh, and the notepad artwork was actually made by a super talented kid (her name is on the front of the notepad)! I literally got it as soon as I saw it because it was so beautiful.

I also went to get my nails done.


They're pretty and pink now! Once I was done there, I rushed to the bookstore since Lane was waiting for me there. We ate some super yummy food and had a very very long catch up session.


We went back to the bookstore and I showed her this pouch that I bought the other day. I bought a sealed one but last time I saw this ring in the sample pouch so I was wondering if it was gone already. It was still there!

We hung out a bit more in the bookstore before we started walking back to school since she also had to get documents for college applications. I'm still in disbelief that we aren't eighth graders anymore.


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