december update :D
Happy, happy December!
I've honestly been so busy I haven't been able to update my blog, so I decided it would be best to just condense everything from the last time I posted to now. Therefore = giant Nov+December update.
I'm only going to be talking about events that were important to me, so bear with me...
NOV 24-25
There was this giant bazaar at school right after the field trip, which meant there would be a lot of yummy food we wouldn't have usually had in school.
We seized this opportunity by trying out the yummy stuff at the bazaar and then retreating to the library to nap. I also bought a bunch of cute stuff (i.e. pink tulip keychain that my cat has taken hostage).
NOV 27
I went to Landers for the first time! If you didn't know, Landers is a membership grocery mall thing (basically just like SnR). I was super stressed out because my parents left me alone to get a card since I'm an adult now and I have to get all my own cards.
pretty supermarket flowersw |
stress boba |
NOV 29
I had three rehearsals, which reminded me of last summer where I was basically killing myself every single day going from one 9am-5pm rehearsal to another 6:30-8(or even 10)pm rehearsal. I'm getting pretty good at it, I think.
My first rehearsal was at around 8am for a folk dance competition, which was required for my PE class. It was pretty unremarkable. I liked the dance but I didn't particularly care if we won or not. I just know my PE grade will be good either way.
The second and third one overlapped because they were both for the theatre guild. We started off with a guild meeting and then I and a few others had to go rehearse for another musical A WEEK from now. This was our first rehearsal btw...*dies*
After that, I went back to the other room to have rehearsal for the other big musical for next year. I'll keep that a secret for now.
Then I had to go buy stuff for my grad pics tomorrow! Our theme is basically any TV/movie character, except I really just wanted to be Natasha from Great Comet. I unfortunately could not find her iconic white coat anywhere so I was pretty bummed out. I ordered a white dress on Facebook Marketplace though. I'll probably try going as Corpse Bride? I don't really want to ruin my dress though.
At the mall, I saw a Nativity Scene marked down to 40%. I tried my best not to laugh out loud.
did i find jesus in the clearance section or did jesus find me? |
🥲 |
NOV 30
We did grad pics!
They had makeup artists at the venue so all we really had to do was wait our turn. We had to take pictures with the grad robes first and there was this lady who kept fixing my hair. I like it whenever people touch my hair so that was nice.
Then! We had our in-costume pics. I ended up wearing the white dress with a veil. If anyone asked, I said I was Corpse Bride sans zombie.
I actually had no idea what I was, though.
DEC 4-5
This week was probably the most stressful part of my December.
For our entrepreneurship class, we had to set up a stall/our own little business at school. I bought decorations+we set up the stall in like less than an hour since we unfortunately STILL had assembly which is actually mind boggling to me.
I helped the cashier for a bit before I decided it was stressing me out. I still helped with the finances after and advertised! We sold pizza bread btw.
yummy |
I didn't get to eat it until the very end of the first day. It was really good...
Also, there was this one guy who didn't come and pick up his order and that really stressed me out. He came back on the second day and the chefs made him a new one.
ALSO on the second day, I had my research defense. Our panelists were my polgov teacher and another teacher who was hellbent on tearing us apart. I feel kinda bad since I was basically frozen in place. He was really intense.
Anyway, we ended up making a decent amount of money for our business. We don't talk about the research defense.
This entire week was bound to be stressful since I had the folk dance competition today. I got to school really early to get ready, though I did wait for my classmates to come before I started.
My skirt was surprisingly hard to dance in, although I probably should have anticipated that since IT WAS A MERMAID SKIRT and I did not have the foresight/tact to see that it was bound to be my downfall.
The competition went well even though we didn't win. Not that I thought we would or anything. It was a really fun experience!
Unfortunately, like I said, this week was the most stressed I've been in a very long time...since today was the TDR (tech-dress rehearsal) for the musical I'm in...which is also...TOMORROW.
TDR went well(?) I think, except for the fact that the musical is in Tagalog and I suck at Tagalog. I left my costume at home because I didn't know we had costume rehearsal that day T_T So I had our driver bring it to me + borrowed Cy's skirt in the mean time. My director ended up liking Cy's skirt more than the one I had so that's what I'm wearing in the show.
It was also Cy's birthday. Happy birthday Cy!
We did the musical and it went pretty well for the most part. I did stumble on some words because - like I said - it was in Tagalog and I suck at Tagalog.
It was still a really fun experience though!
So today we had rehearsal for the ~big~ musical. At least that's what I thought we were doing, because our music director called me as I was on the way to rehearsal and told me to go to her office.
I got there and she told me we were doing promotions that day and I had to sing the main character's song in her place since she wasn't going to be there. I tried to decline since I was still pretty sick from the last musical + folk dance + the entrep selling, but she told me I was the only one who could do it.
I had to learn the song+blocking in like 2 hours. I think I downed like 15 strepsils until my voice sounded right.
We had a bit of ensemble too so we had the promotions at the gym. It was for this alumni event and they gave us food after. I had a bit of problems with my lapel during rehearsal but it ended up okay in the actual performance. We did really well!
They fed us afterwards too B)
When I got home, I had a package. It was my Rei photocard! It's so cute!!!
![]() |
i love pink rei <3 |
DEC 12-13
We had our exams. They were pretty easy tbh!
I had the power of Naoi Rei on my side so I know I did well. After exams, I rushed to the mall since I had to get ready for the Christmas party tomorrow, and I still hadn't bought my gift for the Secret Santa exchange.
The bag he wanted wasn't at the mall I was in, so I ended up having hot chocolate and then buying gifts for my friends. Then I WALKED to a different mall to get his gift. It was like a solid ten minutes. If he's reading this, then he should know the effort I went through looking for that bag...
I went to a cafe after getting his gift and waited for my driver to pick me up. I think I ended up rushing the waiter since my driver was near. I had pain au chocolat and gave him a big tip.
pain au chocolat |
I was really exhausted after that but my parents called and said we had to go to this other mall to have dinner. I had cajun shrimp pasta and it was really good.
Then we went home and I wrapped all my gifts.
DEC 14
Christmas party! I got there a bit late but apparently still early cuz I was like one of FIVE people in the classroom. I ended up hanging upstairs for a bit and did my makeup.
The party was fun and I had yummy food. Someone gave me sweets as a gift. I'm still pretty sick so it will take a while before I can have it.
After the party, Cy and I got picked up by her driver and we went to her house. She showed me her collection of things and her brother's random line of toys.
Then her parents picked us up and brought us to another mall. We were supposed to do karaoke but the karaoke place was full, so we ended up eating at this REALLY GOOD Filipino place and playing at the arcade.
our spread ;) |
We ended up doing karaoke at the arcade too. The people before us took really long so we side-eyed them lol
racing |
After that I had to go to ANOOOOTHER mall because my parents wanted to have a family dinner. Cy's parents offered to take me but it was super out of the way and my driver was already on the way. I had a really good time!
I had baklava. It was reaaaally yummy.
DEC 20
It was my brother's birthday so we all ate at the hotpot place. I got him his very expensive present and that was basically it. I also bought presents for my family since Christmas is near...
I got myself a wallet too. I saw it in this store's display and fell in love. And I bought myself a cute little bunny that kinda looks like Wonyoung in Baddie.
not sure what to name her yet tbh! |
And that was basically my December so far! It was stressful but also fun..ish. Very eventful to say the least. I hope to someday have a schedule as great as this all the time. Minus the stress because I'll hopefully be used to it by then...
name her tuzi 🐰8/10