school festival week

I know, I know, another mass update?!

What ever happened to the day in a lifes? Well, first of all, I'm just an all-around lazy person/slacker/actual sloth, and second of all, everything always happens on the same week so I can't just write them separately, hence = another mass update. Hooray!

There's a festival in my school that's basically the biggest event of the school year (i.e. we did TLP during this festival) and I finally got to experience it in all its glory this year after slaving away in *theatre kid* last year.

I did so many things at the same time it was actually so draining. Over the course of three days (I said week, but the festival only really lasted for three days BUT there was also preparation for those three days, so it basically does count as a week I guess...), I managed to: 1. Publish a group magazine for medialit class, 2. Have an award winning club booth, 3. Do a batch cheer competition, 4. Have promotions for the musical, and 5. Study for an entrance exam...

Let's get into it!

1. Publish a group magazine for medialit class

OK, technically we didn't start and finish this magazine this week, but we did get it printed and submitted! 

I'm actually really proud of this magazine since I wrote three pieces + helped with the layout. It's really pretty IRL too. I really like all the pieces I made for this magazine even though they were kiiinda rushed. I was assigned to the Literary and Entertainment sections respectively and I wrote with my very AO3-reminiscent writing style. Hopefully no one notices and asks for my handle.

My first two pieces were for the Literary section. I wrote a piece called Milo Knows Everything which was in the perspective of a cat with a (kind of) plot twist. I attached a picture but I'm not sure if it's readable.

I also wrote another piece called slow motion double vision. It's written in 2nd person which I'm really excited about. You usually only see that in reader-inserts so it was fun to play around with it. I think it's a pretty cute piece!

If you ever wanna read them, I'll probably have it on my blog soon along with some other things I wanna write! 👀

I also wrote a *drumroll* Hamilton review. Who's surprised? No one.
2. Have an award winning club booth

Another thing that scared me as I became a senior in high school -- I became wayyy more likely to find myself in positions of leadership when I deliberately go out of my way to get out of them.

Yes. This year, I became.........the president of the theatre club. 

I can only express myself with this emoji: 🫠

All jokes aside, I've been in the theatre club since seventh grade so maybe I should've seen it coming.

Admittedly, I have so many extracurriculars that I had to leave the booth in the care of my officers from time to time (my VP, especially, was SO incredibly helpful) to focus on other things. I did manage things on the days of, but the booth wouldn't have been possible without the help of my wonderful members and officers. 

My VP and I already had experience doing a horror booth back in eighth/seventh grade so we kinda already knew what to do. Our objective was simple: make lots of money! We got in our groove pretty quickly and the money just kept coming. Mwahahaha.

We managed to have a SUPER popular horror escape room booth based on one of my favorite indie games. We even got an award for most profit! 

i dont wanna doxx myself so here's a piece of decoration
3. Do a sinulog cheer competition
When I was in seventh to tenth grade, we had this thing called batch cheer where every single batch had to participate and compete to be the winner of that year's batch cheer. Now that we've reached seniority, we compete against strands instead -- think HUMSS, STEM, etc etc, in a sinulog cheer competition.

To prepare for this, our strands were mercilessly separated and forced to fight against each other. Just kidding, but we did have intense rivalry, kinda.

We had our cheerdancers, propmakers, and people on the bleachers (me, as well as the majority of the batch). Us normal people were basically just tasked to make our own props and cheer for our strand as loud as possible. 

prop making progress

We won 1st runner up and best in strand spirit. Yay for HUMSS!
4. Have promotions for the musical

Since it was the biggest festival in the school year, it was obvious that us Theatre Guild slaves would have to perform to promote our biiiig musical. 

We did it for college students as an intermission number during a showing of one of their short films. We basically did 1 big ensemble song + finale song + a few other bits. I think they really liked it!

They were doing an interview backstage and we accidentally walked in there while they were talking. Oops. Hopefully they didn't have to redo everything...

We also wore our musical shirts for the first time that day! They were actually really very cute.

5. Study for an entrance exam

Unfortunately for me, right after the festival was the entrance exam for one of the only schools I want to go to. BUT...the last day of the festival was super important since it was basically the highlight of the entire thing.

Of course, I went with the obvious choice and enjoyed the last day of the festival. Rationalization = it's my final year in this school AND my first time participating in the festival since the pandemic happened. It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

my new melody plush <3

I met up with my friend Jessie and she introduced me to her friend. We introduced ourselves and basically stuck to each other the entire time. She was really cool!

We waited until the fireworks display started. Our school never skimps on the fireworks display so it was absolutely breathtaking. It looked like shiny, golden rain was pouring down from the sky and onto the land.

After the fireworks, there was a bunch of student bands. They were really good. The main event, though, was a pretty famous band who was there to perform for the festival. And after the festival...I went straight to my kuya's apartment because he lives right next to the school the entrance exam was for.

I studied at his apartment and his awesome girlfriend got me snacks! I know I didn't do very well...but if there's even a silver of hope that I'll get in, I'll take it. I really hope I get in!

...And that was basically my school festival week.

I'm kinda sad to think that after I graduate I'll never have the same experience again. This year is very conflicting to me since it's my last year at this school after being here my entire life. I'm not sure how to be in another school because this is all I've really ever known.

I hope everything turns out well. If they don't, we can call it character development!

Thank you to my school for such a magical experience. I'm gonna miss this place :,(


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