summer musical 2024

Yup, I did another musical!

canva blur final boss

I'm not gonna go into too much detail since it's a really unique musical -- in that it's definitely never been staged in my country lol. It's super niche and something I'd never heard before doing it. 

To be completely honest, my heart really wasn't in this musical. I was already burned out from doing the VERY energy-heavy Beauty & The Beast, I'd just finished that one Tagalog musical, and my cat was still in recovery from FLUTD.

This, adding to the fact that I was actively preparing to start university, meant that I kind of neglected it.

At first, it wasn't on purpose. I got really sick from the weather (one time, I was walking home from rehearsal and I didn't have an umbrella = I was absolutely drenched = down for 2 weeks), but starting around week 5, going to rehearsal was starting to become something I dreaded more and more. 

It didn't help that I was basically isolated. I was in more of the central part of the city, far away from any of my friends back in the south. Going to rehearsal felt more like a duty than something fun, which was what I thought it would be...which it had always been, before this year.

I'm not entirely sure why this year's musical was so...I don't know how to put it. I wasn't clicking with anything. I loved the cast, but I was also lowkey treading on thin ice since I wasn't sure where I stood with the director (which is a story for next time).

For what it's worth, it was a great show. I lived super nearby to the rehearsal space so sometimes I'd wake up like 15 minutes before rehearsal and just show up lol. 

I had a pretty relevant role too, although it was mostly dialogue and LOTS of dancing. Seriously, I'd never done that much dancing for a role ever.

On the day of the musical, I was hit by a strange sense of deja vu because...guess what...I was late. Again. Omfg. 

In my defense, it was completely out of my control! I'd woken up 4 hours before the call time and I waited for my driver, who only arrived. 30 minutes. After call time. Are you kidding me?! It has to be sabotage at this point.

They had done blocking for the first number while I wasn't there so I just had to squeeze myself in. It turned out okay I think. I'm pretty sure I blended in...

We had a quick run and it was solid. I didn't get any notes, which made my ego inflate like 10 times over. During the run, though, I had to exit through the stage. My dress is SUPER long, so I tripped on the steps twice. Luckily, it didn't happen in the actual show lolol

I did my own makeup for a show for the very first time. I did a really good job actually! I especially loved my blush. It looked very musical theatre. The makeup artists back at my old school would be proud.

The musical itself went really smoothly. I didn't make any mistakes. I gave it my all. I know I did amazing.

I guess my big takeaway from doing this summer's musical is that I need to make more of a connection to the show and the cast. I basically only showed up to do my job and then left immediately 😬 Mostly because I was itching to play Stardew Valley...

I do plan on coming back next year, and hopefully I have more fun!

flowers in the parking lot <3


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