oct 4 2022

As per tradition, I did my hair with Cy in the bathroom before class. Originally I was going for a more mature look, but I ended up wearing pigtails, AKA the holy grail of kindergartener hairstyles. To add insult to injury, my hair ties were like the brightest neon orange monstrosities ever.

The kindergartener spirit inside me ended up drawing all over my arm as always. Obviously, I had to color it in with my classmate's glitter pens. BTW, I made a bird. Not sure what it could be, but it was pink and had a purple beak.

During lunch, Sirko spotted my favorite meal ever. I told myself I wasn't gonna eat that day but I couldn't resist. I left my wallet in my classroom so Cy paid for it. Cy...I don't know how I could ever live without you. 

We brought our Macs to school so we tried to play the new Mimic game mode. It was really confusing. I died like five minutes in.

After school, Cy and I went to the mall and we saw so many pets. For some reason, I could spot every cat in the mall. Call it a cat owner's intuition? 

sleepy kitten

Then we ate at Popeyes because it's the best restaurant ever. Well, correction: I ate at Popeyes. Cy ordered a burger but by the time we had to leave I was forcing it in her mouth. By the way, does anyone have any tips on how to feed someone who doesn't wanna eat? Thanks!


My food was really good though. I got extra hot ranch, but I didn't have anything to eat the ranch with, so I ordered Hot Pops as like...a late appetizer.

they were actually really hot inside

I ordered Lego bracelets for Cy and I yesterday but we stopped by the Lego store and Cy bought another pair. They're really, really cute! I'm wearing mine everywhere. Not sure what to do about the other pair we have...we'll probably wear both at the same time. They are super cute.


I had to go home around 6:30-ish. It was honestly the most fun I've had all week.


  1. THE LEGO BRACELETS! (tips on how to feed someone who doenst wanna eat: dont)


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