ria's birthday week 2022

Surprise! I turned 17!

My family and I have this tradition where we celebrate birthdays for an entire week, and the birthday week clock starts on Sunday. Also, we're on a school break right now, so isn't this kinda perfect?

Sunday - October 30, 2023

My mom and I planned out my entire birthday week today!

I'm pretty excited because there's something extra special on my birthday. I've been wanting to go for a while. I bought the tickets and then I had dinner with my siblings outside since my parents were busy. 

Monday - October 31, 2023

We went to my favorite mall ever! There's like this giant 3D cat display that's really fun to look at. I did feel kinda bad that my cat wasn't allowed to go since he's so young. My mom says that he can probably go out properly once he's a year old. I am always concerned for his safety and health so I said absolutely. 

i love my son 😔

We ate a bunch of stuff I like. I am not looking forward to after my birthday week since after that, I won't have an excuse to eat so much. Sigh.

cajun shrimp pasta!

Then I got home and passed out. Eating so many carbs really doesn't agree with me.

Tuesday - November 1, 2023

I was feeling pretty lazy today so we ordered pizza and watched sad movies. Honestly, this was some of the most fun I've had in a while. Crying about things that have nothing to do with me is my favorite hobby.


Also, why are men like....consistently the problem in every romance movie ever? Like are they just written badly? Or are they really just like this???

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt because yes. But also......male leads in romance movies have to get their acts together ASAP.

Wednesday - November 2, 2023

The most eventful day by far! I did way too much. I honestly kinda regret doing so much, since on my actual birthday I had almost no energy at all.

We went to another one of my most favorite malls -  there's a list, but I'm not sharing it in case I get doxxed - to have breakfast at Starbucks. 


Then we went to another one of my favorite malls to meet up with my relatives, since we wouldn't be meeting them on my actual birthday. We talked a bunch and then we had Chinese food for lunch/dinner. Linner?

beef noodles :D

We also picked up one of my birthday gifts! It's a backpack that can turn into a tote. I'm pretty sure I'll only ever be using it as a backpack though. If I put too much weight on one of my shoulders I might just snap like a twig. It's better to have the weight evenly distributed, especially since I bring my Mac to school.

I really like it since I got to the store because another bag caught my eye. Then I saw it up close and I was like...ew. So I was just standing there awkwardly while the sales associate was explaining all the cool things the bag had. Then I saw ~my bag~ hanging out behind another bag and it was like love at first sight. 

Also, I'd been using a giant Chanel bag up until this point so my shoulder. Needed. A break. Soooo yeah. I got it. It's pretty neat!

After using my dad's credit card he so graciously lent me for the day, I went on my merry way. Thanks dad.

I passed by this stall that sold cookies and they had limited edition birthday cookies! It was like fate. Like...why make limited edition birthday cookies just for the duration of my birthday week? Now that I think of it, that's kinda creepy. Just the matrix at force I guess. 

(they werent even that good tbh)

Then my dad let me go shopping with his credit card. I love my dad :D

Thursday - November 3, 2023

My birthday!

At like midnight sharp I went on a call with my closest friends. We have this tradition where we call every time someone has a birthday, and once we're done presenting our gifts, we listen to Christmas music. My friends are the best.

Then I went to sleep. When I woke up, I got dressed and we went to go get hotpot, which is also tradition for me. I've been upholding this tradition for a solid four years. 

hotpot :D

My favorite part of the day, though, was when it was time for me to go watch a musical, which is another tradition. Basically, it goes like this: midnight call - hotpot - musical - then dinner, if there's time.

I'm sure this is too much information, but I watched We Will Rock You the musical on tour. They were so good! I especially loved their Scaramouche. BTW, this was my first ever musical experience since the pandemic. It was a new theatre for me too, so me and my dad had a pretty hard time looking for everything. 

I watched with my dad since he really likes Queen. It was my surprise for him :D

After the musical, we went to Starbucks again. By then it was around 11PM and it was the only thing open in the area. I had my birthday dinner and cake there. The place was pretty much deserted so it kinda felt like we reserved the entire area. I'm really grateful for moments like these. And honestly, being 17 doesn't feel so different from being 16. I'm actually really looking forward to the next year.

Friday - November 4, 2023

We went out again! I got a bunch of my other gifts and then we had dinner. No pics but it did happen! 

Saturday - November 5, 2023

I actually had class today. Well, theatre rehearsal to be exact. But after school, I went to the mall for one last birthday week dinner with my family. 

Then I saw a pretty Christmas tree! In my country, Christmas season starts as soon as September rolls around. It's really festive. Christmas is my favorite holiday too so if anyone is looking for information on me, here's a fact: I want chocolate for Christmas!

pretty xmas tree:)

Anyway, I think I'm gonna be an okay seventeen-year-old. At least I hope to be. I have a lot of things I want to do before I turn eighteen. Actually, I'm gonna be more than OK. I'm gonna be great. Trust!


  1. this was so eventful omfg idek what to comment

  2. i rate 🎅🎄/10


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