apr 1 2023

I had another late start today. To be fair, I was really just going to laze around my room the entire day. Around 4PM, though, my mom decided we would stay in ~my~ apartment. 

We all hopped in a car and my dad drove us there. Did I mention I hadn't had breakfast at that point? I was kinda like a mindless zombie.

We decided to get Singaporean food. I got Hainanese Fried Chicken Rice which is always *chef's kiss*. I really love Hainanese Chicken Rice. I wish I could have ginger rice for every meal.


I had a drink called the "Milo Dinosaur". I love Milo so I obviously loved it. 

We went up to my apartment and kinda unpacked? I put my stuff down on the vanity. I liked how it looked so I took a picture.

bag + headband + mac + airpods

I'm going to sleep early since my brother and I are going to a convention tomorrow. It's my first ever so I'm super excited.


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