apr 14 2023

Today in English class we learned about explicit and implicit claims. The example our teacher used was...


I still don't believe it. I don't really wanna talk about it, but I will always support Taylor, so whatever her decision is I will support. 

Anyway, after school my brothers and I went to the nearest mall since our driver was unavailable. We ate some boneless wings because they're superior.

buffalo + salted egg

This is kinda a tradition, but every time our driver is unavailable, we go get wings, and then we go to this chocolate store until we get picked up. I got a hot chocolate and a chocolate banana since my throat was kinda dying from rehearsal after rehearsal. My brothers both got frappes and chocolate-covered cheesecakes.


We got picked up and now I shall watch a movie.


  1. taylor swift is our quen i rate 👸/10


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