may 22 2023

My baby boy turned one! I'm seriously so proud of him. I love him so much and I'm so happy he's been with us for so long. When he was given to us, he was only three months old! 

sleepy baby

I went to pick up his cake at the front of our house. I put him on my parents' bed and we did a little photoshoot before he went to eat his cake/share it with the stray cats.

By the way, it's also Ate Odri's birthday! Happy birthday <3

my love <3

Unfortunately, today I also had to go pick up my permit to take the UPCAT. It was a pretty long ride. I saw my classmate and we got our permits together. At the pick up area, I saw this cat and it was very cute.


My driver picked me up and drove me to where the canteen area was. My parents were already there with my little sister since they all wanted to come with. The food in UP is actually really good. Then again, I've always loved Bacsilog so...

my order is always bacon nuggets extra cheese sauce

Then we went back to the car. We passed by the Oblation statue and I asked if we could get a little closer so I could take a picture.

i think he may be t-posing to assert his dominance (jk i know what it means and its very cool)


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